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"Access FOR FREE My Exact Method To Make a Living out of  Prop Firm Trading at 21 Years Old

That you can test right away, even as a beginner

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How i scaled from 0 to $1.5000.000 in funded accounts
how i turned SMC into a 95% mechanical strategy
develop a relaxed trading style

Who is Gianluca Bruni

Day-trader since 4 years, Gianluca has been one of the most appreciated educators in Morpheus.

His Mechanical approach to trading has lead him to payout more than 100.000$ from prop firms in the last few years and having the highest replicability withing Morpheus' strategies.

Check out the Interview in Funded Next

What they say about Gianluca

"Ero ludopatico... grazie a te ho eliminato gli aspetti emotivi e ho staccato €30.000 da Prop Firm"
"I Concetti Smart Money erano troppo discrezionali... ora invece sono funded $300k e potrei vivere solo di trading"
"Ero un trader perdente... ora sono funded $100k e sto rendendo il trading la mia professione"